Thursday, October 28, 2010

Always our Baby

She may be walking and babbling like crazy...but she will always be our baby. So much has happened in her little life the past 14 months. How quickly she has grown, right before our eyes. Her teeny little body has grown - all 22 lbs - as she sits on my lap and her 31" of little body stretched out as I read her last bedtime book. Almost a full foot longer than her first days. Where did my newborn go? I can only remember now. And I do, all the time. Each day brings a mix of pure excitement, awe and joy along with tears --- just thinking about how small and fragile she was just a year ago. Not crawling, not sitting in a highchair, just smiling. Always smiling...and so dependent. I know it only gets better and I am loving this new toddler phase. Her new-found independence, her wild and fun personality...her compassion and love for animals and for people. Mark said it best when he said, "she squeezes every ounce out of life." Everyday. I adore this little. It's true what they say, how you never knew your heart could expand this wide. That you could love something so much. I see it, feel and love it. She is truly, the apple of my eye. Here's to you, little angel. To the years to come and to your first fourteen months. We have so much to show you. So much to share.

WW1 Memorial Park

Today was perfect. A bit on the warm side for this time of year when the temp reached 70, but still...the leaves were golden with some swirling around above us, others going "crunch" on the ground as we step through a pile. Pumpkins and mums adorn frontsteps and Halloween is just three days away. Fall is in the air. Too beautiful a morning to be inside. So we gathered some friends and headed out. To the park to feed carrots to the goats and play. For that is what our littles do best.

Anna lovey her little friend, "Di-di"...

and her new-found coolness...walking.

which, I might add, she does with such enthusiasm.

Dylan and Anna's first "date." And notice, he's driving her in style.

oh me or my (I'm a fool for you baby) - as the Aretha Franklin song goes...

Just making memories, Baby...

Mimi & Papa's

A visit to Keene was just what the doctor ordered for the babies cold...she was feeling just fine after a weekend with her grandparents, aunty Cathy and cousin Jennifer. And fur-cousin "Lizzie."

Reading session with Aunt Cathy and Cousin Jennifer. 

"A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold."  ~Ogden Nash


Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the Baby Walks

Anna is now officially walking. That cute little scoot of hers is now ancient history --- which is sort of sad but exciting at the same time. She is growing and moving on...and she can really move.

and walks...

Autumn Happenings

Anna's had a busy October. Visits with grandparents, playdates with friends, farms, storytimes and a big Halloween Party coming up, you could say it's been a festive Fall. And I so love this season. I'm pretty sure the baby digs it too.


Anna really likes people and she loves her friends. It's safe to say she's a pretty outgoing gal. So when Asa and Dylan came over for a playdate today, Anna was on the go and busy hosting. (And she took a 3 hour nap to prove it!)

Dylan escorting Anna...

At the Farm

Eliza and I took the littles to the farm yesterday. It was one of those perfect autumn days --- with pumpkins, golden maples, apples and animals. Asa and Anna spent the two plus hours walking through the fields from goats to cows, pumpkins and hay-bale maze. And these really cool white Silkie chickens that followed the littles around. The kids were having fun.

They are friends

A Visit from Queen City

My good friend (fellow vegetarian and animal lover) Kay was in town from Cinci visiting her daughter. She hadn't met Anna before so the two of us drove up to Melrose for a few hour visit. It was so great to catch up. I so miss our friends from the Queen City - Mark and I loved spending three+ years there. But of course, nothing beats being back in New England.
So I'll take these visits and hopefully many more to come...


A happy visit up to Exeter with Grams, Opa and Aunt Li-lili

Grams likes to make sure baby is bundled.

Anna was fascinated with the fire truck!

She so loves her Opa

The best was when all the "girls" were getting ready for bed, just hanging out on the couch chatting and giggling.

Good times all around.

Anna's steps...

The Kitties

And I'd be remiss not to include some pics of the fur-kids. After all they have been great kitty-siblings to the baby...

About Me

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mother, wife, animal lover
