Monday, November 22, 2010

Friends, Farms & Firs

A chock-full weekend with family and friends. We kicked it off with a visit to Grams and Opa's. And a trip to a local farm in Durham. To feed some furry friends, play outside and pick up some goodies such as apples and cinnamon bread in the store.

Then back home for playtime with Lucy and Dylan.


And starting a new family tradition...tagging a Christmas tree. We finally chose one. And it's pretty special.

A final good-bye to Aunty Mandy along with a happy birthday wish. She's en route to Vienna as I write this.  Abschied und sicheres Reisen, my friend.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Good-byes, Grandparents & the Great Outdoors

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.  Havelock Ellis

Change is in the air. Babies are growing, friends are moving, and life is happening right before our eyes.  The saying goes we do not remember days; we remember moments and some wonderful memories have been made in our little world.  A 40th Birthday / Going Away party for Amanda.


And we celebrated. Bon Voyage, Mandy. Wherever you may travel, you know - our hearts go too. Be well my friend, and take care of that fabulous man of yours. We love you both very much.

There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life. - Federico Fellini

Anna got to spend some Q-time with Mimi and Papa this weekend. She so loves her grandparents.

and being outdoors - all the time.

 She helped Daddy fill the bird feeder.

and fed the animals at Briggs Nursery.

It was unseasonably warm on Saturday and we were out and about for lunch, and holiday craft fairs.
and climbing on rocks!

WW1 Park

Mark had Veterans day off so we bundled up the babe and took her to the park to see the animals and play. And to Mansfield Memorial Park on Friday. Did I mention she loves the outdoors?

 How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. - Annie Dillard

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aunty Mandy

It was a bittersweet trip to Boston today. Amanda's sold her condo and is moving overseas to be with Alex. Of course, it makes total sense and a married couple should be together but it's just that seeing all those boxes made it so much more of a reality. But she's happy, so I'm happy. And Alex really truly is worth the trip across the Atlantic.

Anna helped with the packing.

And spent some QT with her Godmother.

Safe Travels my will be missed.

We love you.

About Me

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mother, wife, animal lover
