Thursday, May 27, 2010


We met Daddy for a picnic lunch today at his office. Anna had loads of fun snacking and checking out the surroundings. And especially spending a few hours with her favorite person in the whole wide world...her "Da-da."

she's getting busy with it...

And I mean really busy. Her need to explore everything around her, and I mean getting greater and greater every day. She means business.
This morning, she was up around 5am, and must have been dreaming about something really funny, because she woke up laughing. I'm not kidding. Mark and I both heard her. And she just continued to babble and chit chat with her little friends in her crib, watching her aquarium and giggling.

She must have fallen back to sleep and it wasn't until almost 7am that she had her first meal on my lap. But like I said, she meant business. She was not about to relax and snooze afterwards like she often does. No way Jose, she was ready to get downstairs and play. And chase the cats on her bum and play with her wallet, and her comb and phone in her purse. And scoot all around the first floor.

Then breakfast...pears and oatmeal this morning. But cheerios first. She LOVES breakfast. 

It wasn't until after more play then I acted as a human jungle gym on our bed that she was ready for a nap. At 10am. She is now snoozing. I hope I can catch a shower as we're going to meet Daddy for lunch today -- a picnic lunch. She is sooo excited.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

nine months

...and time is flying.

I'm not sure where it is going or what we've been doing with it, but it's going by fast. She is getting bigger by the minute. One thing I know for sure is that I am drinking it all up, enjoying every second of her little self - her new discoveries of the world around her, her new little words (she now says "da-da" and "mama!" "Da-da of course came first and she says it all the time.) She babbles constantly, and has 2 beautiful bottom pearly whites. Her smile melts our hearts and her laughter is contagious. She is bottom scooting around like crazy, chasing the kitties (poor Rusty is a main target,) getting into their water bowls, and they are troopers with her.

She spent the afternoon with her Daddy. I was given a gift certificate to a spa for Mother's Day from my wonderful husband and got some R&R today in the form of a massage and pedi. Love loved it. I feel like a million bucks now. Got home just in time for her bath and bedtime - which Daddy gave the last bottle. Very special times indeed.

Just enjoying these precious moments and soaking it in.

Happy 9-month Birthday beautiful baby girl. We love you more than words can say.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

sunday in the park

Anna enjoyed her afternoon at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI today. Zipping along the water in her "vroom-vroom" car and being carried along the rocks. Beautiful day to be in the park and we so enjoyed ourselves.

Life is sooo good.

afternoon in charlestown

We visited Aunty Mandy #2 today at Mommy's old stomping grounds, Charlestown. We had a fabulous time and walked around. Mandy's new place is beautiful -- in the Navy Yard. Love it, Mandy!
Anna had a ball...quite literally.
Footnote: Anna has two "Aunt Mandies." --- Aunty Mandy #1 is Amanda Read, her Godmother. Aunty Mandy #2 is Amanda Wood. Just to clarify as you will see them appear as I add to this blog.

Monday, May 10, 2010

mother's day

My first mother's day as a mama to our beautiful little girl. It was a perfectly delightful day spent with my awesome husband, our beautiful moms Grams and Mimi..., and our fantastic dads, Opa and Papa...and of course our little blessing. Anna loved being the center of attention...

About Me

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mother, wife, animal lover
