Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Birthday Party

Who's the cuddliest, giggliest, darlingest, wiggliest sugar pie under the sun? It's the loveable, huggable, cute-as-a-bug-able, sweet baby girl turning 1!

Family and friends gathered together to celebrate our little girl's First Birthday.

The belle of the ball...our little party girl.

With aunties and uncles... 

and cousins and grandparents all around her.

And little friends...

As we celebrate your first year, we wish for you new discoveries, happy moments and all the love in the world.

Happy 1st Birthday to our little princess.

*Pre-party set-up with help from Mimi & Papa, Grams & Opa and Aunt Li-li.

Thank you family...

We couldn't have thrown this celebration for our little girl without you. Big hugs for making it so special.


Take a sprinkling of fairy dust, An angel's single feather,
Also a dash of love and care, Then mix them both together.
Add a sentiment or two, A thoughtful wish or line,
A touch of stardust, a sunshine ray...
Its a recipe, for a Baby Girl truly fine.
-- Author Unknown

On Anna's first birthday, August 23, 2010, we read this book to her. Reminding her, how happy we are she came into this world.

The kitties wanted to be around her.

She played at Kidz Wurld.

And had her first birthday cupcakes that our friend Jen baked just for her.

And some that mommy made too.

celebrating with a special party guest...

Anna and Lucy helped with clean up.

Happy First Birthday, little one!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Birthday

Anna turns one today.

And this milestone - it is bittersweet and it's mind boggling. That a year ago to the day, we welcomed this little blessing into the world.

It truly feels like it was yesterday that we brought our bundle - just five days old - home from the hospital. All 7 pounds, 7 ounces of her.

Her arrival was a whirlwind, all that learning how to be good and loving parents, doing the right thing, ensuring that our newborn baby is safe, healthy, comforted and mostly...loved. Taking childbirth, CPR and breastfeeding classes, along with nightly reading on how to raise a baby...I was anxious, but ready to bring this little being into our world.

Truth is, nothing can prepare you for what's to come. Not all the books, all the classes all the pre-baby advice people give. You learn the moment you hold her. You get it. It's an instant bond and you are in such new territory that you don't have time to re-read the instructions. You just do it...when you bring her home and there are no buttons to push for help, no nurses to guide you - and you realize that this is your child, and she's depending on you to keep her safe and warm. You hold her when she cries, you feed her when she's hungry. And somewhere in between, you sleep.

It's a mother's instinct to nurture her babies, to ensure they are loved. It is my hope that Anna knows how much we love her. That we would go to the end of the earth for her, and still - a little bit further.

She has enriched our lives more than I ever could have imagined. This little baby who has grown from a newborn into an infant - and now, into a toddler. Her personality gets bigger and bigger, keeping up with her little moves --- scooting to cruising...soon to be walking. Her curiosity grows too as she explores the world around her.

My cup runneth over.

We have much more to learn, so many memories to make. We'll watch our little girl grow and I know the years will fly by. I'm holding on tight for the ride.

Tonight at 10:07 p.m. while she's fast asleep in her crib, we'll go upstairs and kiss her. Reminding her again...

Welcome to the spinning world little one.
We are so glad you've come!

Happy First Birthday, to our little angel. We love you more than words can say.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Anna & Co.

Anna's been busy with her friends...

Jillian came over last Saturday to play.

Well, hello there, baby dolls.


Then she went to Asa's First Birthday Party.

Boy, is he ever cute?

Asa sampling his first cupcake. Oh go ahead, Mommies say it's just fine.

Happy Birthday cutie-pie!

Anna loves Asa.

...and she had fun with the other Littles in attendance.

Next, to the beach with her friend Lucy. Lucy's grandparents have a beach house in Narragansett.

The girls loved the ocean.

...and playing in the sand.

She's also had some fun play dates with Dylan. They're becoming good friends fast.

And more First Birthday parties to come. Next up, Lucy Lu's pool party. Then our own little girl's. I can't believe she is going to be one. ONE year old. Time is flying...and I'm holding on tight. Stay tuned...

About Me

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mother, wife, animal lover
